Why I’m Running


Having five grown children, I know each child is special and learns differently. I believe parents, not government, know what is best for their children. I support quality, well-funded public education. I also support parents who choose charter, private, or home schools for their children. Legislators should empower parents to give their children the best educational opportunities that fit their needs.


Since the US Supreme Court rightfully returned the subject of abortion to the States, legislators must be deliberative when crafting policy on this issue. I believe that all life is a gift from God and that we must protect the unborn while also protecting the life and health of the mother.

2nd Amendment

I am a proud lifetime member of the NRA and have been since 2018. I know that our founding fathers did not write the Second Amendment to protect hunting and sporting shoots but that it was formulated as a check on government power and to protect all other rights enshrined in our Constitution.


Joe Biden has absolutely failed at securing our border. I know first-hand how this failure impacts our communities and resources. I will work to make sure that Oklahomans are put first in the delivery of our services and push back against the flood of illegal immigrants.


Infrastructure is the lifeblood of our state. Properly funding our roads and bridges while planning for future growth is vital to economic development. Failure to address these issues is costly to everyday Oklahomans and puts our safety at risk in extreme cases. Policymakers should ensure that our infrastructure is resilient and prepared to meet the needs of a 21st-century economy.

Stopping Joe Biden – State’s Rights

As a conservative, I know that a government closest to the people is the government that governs best. I pledge to stand up against extreme ideologies that are being pushed by the Biden Administration onto Oklahoma and staunchly defend our 10th Amendment Rights.

Public Safety

Protection of the public is the first job of our government. From making sure our First Responders have the resources they need to protect and serve, to working on tackling the immigration crisis that has found its way to Oklahoma, I believe that we have to support, in word and action, those who put their lives on the line every day for us.


I promise to fight efforts to bring the Biden Green New Deal to Oklahoma. Oklahoma has led the charge in developing new and innovative technologies, resulting in the United States becoming energy independent and an exporter of fossil fuels to our allies. Energy Security is National Security. As such, any effort to restrict or diminish our oil and gas industry must be vigorously opposed.


I am deeply concerned about the health and well-being of the people living in Oklahoma. As a dedicated advocate for my patients, I promote and protect access to healthcare and the freedom to choose healthcare providers. Unfortunately, Oklahoma has the highest rate of heart disease, the second-highest rate of chronic respiratory disease, the fourth-highest rate of diabetes, and the fifth-highest rate of liver disease in the country. These statistics indicate that we need to take serious steps to improve the state of healthcare in Oklahoma.

Values / Family

As a mother and grandmother, I know that the family is the foundation of our society. We must enact policies that protect the nuclear family and encourage partnerships with faith-based resources to support young families. I know that a home with a father and mother is the best place for a child to grow up.

Transgender Issue / Gender Affirming Care for Minors

I support Senate Bill 613, which prohibits gender transition procedures for minors. Additionally, I support the legislature in protecting women’s sports from biological males from competing. I believe that all people deserve to be treated with respect and compassion, but that we must protect women and children from harmful policies and the woke ideologies that are being pushed onto them by out-of-state activists.

Jobs / Economy / Workforce Development

As a conservative Republican, I know that it’s the private sector that creates jobs and opportunities for people. We must protect the American Dream from burdensome government regulations and high taxation. As an owner of several successful small businesses, I know that bureaucratic red tape and regulations stifle innovation. By unleashing the entrepreneurial spirit that made our country great,  we can create jobs and promote an environment where Oklahoma’s economy will thrive.

Veterans Issues

As a healthcare provider, I have seen all too often the failure of our leaders to care for our veterans. We must prioritize caring for the men and women who fought for our freedoms. Many of our veterans return home with non-visible scars. We have a sacred responsibility to ensure that the desperately needed mental health services are available to them.


Oklahoma is blessed to have wonderful people, beautiful landscapes, and natural beauty to share with the world. From Route 66 to the Little Sahara to our pristine lakes and state parks, I believe Oklahoma can and should be a destination for people from around the country and world to come and see and experience.